- October 2023: Congrats to Mengwei and Evita for having our paper, “Location Leakage in Federated Signal Maps”, accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- October 2023: ProperData launches a montly “ProperData Seminar Series: Privacy Frontiers” to present the latest developments and trends related to privacy and data transparency, from leading experts in technology and policy aspects of privacy.
- August 2023: Congratulations to Hieu Le for defending his thesis (on automating filter rule generation for adblocking) and starting a postdoc at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor!
- June 2023: Congrats to Hao Cui for having our paper, “PoliGraph: Automated Privacy Policy Analysis using Knowledge Graphs,” accepted to USENIX Security 2023.
- May 2023: Congratulations to Janus Varmarken for defending his thesis (on the privacy implications of SmartTVs) and joining Juniper Networks!
- Dec. 2022: Athina recognized as 2022 ACM Distinguished Member.
- Nov. 2022: Congrats to Hieu for having his paper, “AutoFR: Automated Filter Rule Generation for Adblocking,” accepted to USENIX Security 2023.
- Nov. 2022: Rahmadi presents our USENIX 2022 paper “OVRSeen: Auditing Network Traffic and Privacy Policies in Oculus VR” at FTC’s 2022 PrivacyCon.
- Sep. 2022: Congrats to Zixiao, Mengwei, and Justin for getting their paper, “Privacy by Projection: Federated Population Density Estimation by Projecting on Random Features”, accepted to PETS 2023.
- Sep. 2021: Congrats to Rahmadi, Hieu, Hao, Janice, and Anastasia for getting their paper, “OVRSeen: Auditing Network Traffic and Privacy Policies in Oculus VR”, accepted to USENIX Security 2022.
- Feb. 2021: Congrats to Evita for getting her paper, “FedPacket: A Federated Learning Approach to Mobile Packet Classification“, accepted in an upcoming issue of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- Dec. 2020: Athina became an IEEE Fellow (class of 2021).
- Dec. 2020: Congrats to Hieu for getting his paper, “CV-Inspector: Towards Automating Detection of Adblock Circumvention,” accepted to NDSS 2021.
- Oct. 2020: We hosted a virtual workshop on Privacy Aspects of Contact Tracing. The workshop brings together participants with technical background (security and privacy, networking, user interfaces), as well as policy expertise (data protection, disease surveillance and other information-related aspects of public health). [Workshop] [UCI ICS News]
- August 2020: Both of our tools, Rokustic and Firetastic, for automating the exploration of Roku and FireTV applications are now available.
- June 2020: We are excited to launch the NSF SaTC Frontier project: ProperData “SaTC Frontiers: Collaborative: Protecting Personal Data Flow on the Internet“. [NSF Press Release , UCI News]
- June 2020: Congratulations to Manos Alimpertis for defending his thesis (on Mobile Coverage Map Prediction) and joining Apple!
- June 2020: The ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 Conference has been canceled due to covid. However, the conference will take place online June 9-11 . Please see the conference’s site for details. Please join the live session and the slack workspace.
- Jan 2020: Congrats to Rahmadi and Janus for having “Packet-Level Signatures for Smart Home Devices“, accepted to NDSS 2020.
- Dec 2019: Congrats to Janus, Hieu, and Anastasia for having “The TV is Smart and Full of Trackers: Measuring Smart TV Advertising and Tracking”, accepted to PETS 2020.
- Nov. 2019: Congrats to Anastasia for having “NoMoATS: Towards Automatic Detection of Mobile Tracking” accepted to PETS 2020.
- Sept 2019: Many thanks to NSF for their support through two new awards on mobile data privacy (CNS Medium) and modeling/analytics (III EAGER).
- July 2019: Athina becomes Full Professor and EECS Dept Chair.
- May 2019: Congratulations to Anastasia and Balint for successfully defending their theses, and good luck starting at Symantec and Google, respectively.
- April 2019: Athina becomes a Chancellor’s Fellow
- Feb. 2019: many thanks to the UCI Office of Research for seeding our research on “Security, Privacy and Data Analytics of Mobile and IoT Devices”.
- Dec. 2018: Our work on 2K+ Graph Construction is accepted to IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking.
- Sept. 2018: New NSF Award 1815666, on mobile traffic filtering, awarded.
July 2018: Our NoMoAds paper got the Andreas Pfitzmann best student paper award in Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2018. Article on the Engineering and UCI news.
June 2018: We hosted ACM SIGMETRICS 2018 at the Beckman Center in Irvine, June 18-22, 2018.
April 2018: Our paper on Spectral Graph Forge was presented in IEEE INFOCOM 2018.
- Sept. 2017: The Fog World Congress program is now posted. I am co-organizing the Research Track.
Feb. 2017: Educator Award by the Orange County Engineering Council.
Dec. 2016: I was the general Co-chair for CoNEXT 2016 in Irvine. Thanks to all who helped co-organize and participated.
June 2016: The AntMonitor project receives a grant from the Data Transparency Lab. We are honored by the DTL support and we are looking forward to working with the DTL community.
Aug. 2016: Our paper, “Recovery of Packet Losses in Wireless Broadcast for Real-Time Applications”, has been accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Feb. 2016: Our paper, titled “Cell-to-Cell Activity Prediction for Smart Cities” has been accepted in SmartCity2016
Oct. 2015: We have released the Facebook Egonet Sample dataset that consists of ~36K egonets, ~5.6M users annotated by gender, and exact maximal clique calculations by size and gender per egonet.
Oct. 2015: MicroCast got accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Sept. 2015: Our work on “Assessing the potential of ride-sharing using mobile and social data: a tale of four cities” was cited by an article on the future of ride-sharing, from MIT Technology Review.
Sept. 2015: New NSF award on Network Sampling and Construction Methods. Open positions available for qualified graduate students, with background in one of the following: graph algorithms, big data, mobile programming.
July 2015: Our paper, “AntMonitor: Network Traffic Monitoring and Real-Time Prevention of Privacy Leaks in Mobile Devices,” and an accompanying demo, “Demo: AntMonitor – Network Traffic Monitoring and Real-Time Prevention of Privacy Leaks in Mobile Devices,” have been accepted to ACM S3 Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking, Paris, France.
June 2015: first results from the AntMonitor Project to be presented in Sigcomm Workshop C2BID and in Mobicom Demos.
June 2015: Our work on “Auditing for Distributed Storage Systems” got accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Preprint available on ArXiv.
May 2015: Athina gave a HSSoE distinguished lecture on “Measurements and Analysis of Mobile and Social Networks”. This was in connection with the HSSoE Faculty Midcareer Research Award.
May 2015: Our paper, “AntMonitor: A System for Monitoring from Mobile Devices,” has been accepted to ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Crowdsharing of Big Internet Data (C2BID), London, UK.
April 2015: This is What a Scientist/Engineer Looks Like, CalIT2.
March 2015: Our paper, On the Decomposition of Cell Phone Activity Patterns and
their Connection with Urban Ecology, has been accepted to MobiHoc 2015, in Hangzhou, China.