Athina Markopoulou
Professor, EECS Dept
Director, ProperData Center
Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies
Samueli School of Engineering
University of California, Irvine
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Bio. Athina Markopoulou is a Professor in the EECS Department at UCI Irvine. Her research interests are broadly in the broad area of networking, with current focus on privacy and data transparency. She received a Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1996, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1998 and 2003, respectively. She joined UCI in 2006, where is affiliated with the EECS dept (where she was the Department Chair 2019-2022), the CS dept (joint appointment), and with the Networked Systems program (where she has served as the Director). She currently serves as the Associate Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies for the Samueli School of Engineering. She is also the Director of ProperData – a SaTC Frontiers center, whose goal is to “Protect Personal Data on the Internet”. Prior to joining UCI, she held short-term positions at SprintLabs, Arista Networks, and IT University of Copenhagen. She has co-founded Shoelace Wireless (2012-16). She has received the NSF CAREER award in 2008, the SSoE Faculty Mid Career Research Award in 2014, a UCI Chancellor’s Fellowship 2019-2022, the N2Women’s Start Award in 2022, the N. & S. Alexopoulos EECS Chair at UC Irvine, 2019-2022, and the SSoE Senior Faculty Excellence-in-Research Award in 2023. She has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and for ACM Computer Communications Review, as the General Co-Chair for ACM CoNEXT 2016, as TPC Co-Chair for ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 and NetCod 2012, on the Board of SIGMETRICS Board 2023, and on numerous committees for top ACM and IEEE conferences. She has published over 100 papers, several of which with distinctions, and has graduated 15 Ph.D. students. She is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Member of the ACM.
My research interests include privacy and data transparency for web/mobile/IoT as well as emerging technologies; network measurement and traffic analysis; and the interface of technology and policy in these topics. Here are some sample projects:
- Privacy and Transparency: “ProperData: Protecting Personal Data Flow on the Internet” (an NSF SaTC Frontiers project)
- Policy-Technology
- Emerging Devices: Smart Speakers, VR devices, SmartHome IoT fingerprinting and visualization, Smart TVs.
- Blocking Advertising and Tracking on the Web and on Mobile.
- Mobile Systems : antmonitor, microcast, mobile data analytics, mobile data crowdsourcing.
- Older Projects: Network security; Network coding; Online social networks: graph sampling and construction.
For up-to-date information, please check the ProperData Center, my research group’s site and publications.
- AY 2024-25: Preparing Future Faculty 2.0 Seminar Series: 2nd Thu of the month, 3-4pm
- Spring 2024: EECS 232: Data Privacy
- AY 2023-24: “Preparing Future Faculty” Seminar: 2nd Thu of the month 1-2pm, ISEB 1200.
- Spring 2023: EECS 221/NetSys270: Data Privacy.
- Spring 2022: EECS221/NetSys270: “Mobile Data Privacy”.
- Previous classes.
Fall 2024: I will be on sabbatical this quarter. Meetings by appointment only. For matters related to graduate and professional studies, please contact Prof. Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, who is serving as acting associate dean. For a faster response regarding ProperData matters, please CC properata at
- I am always looking for talented PhD students, postdocs, and visitors for my group and the ProperData project.
- If you are a prospective PhD student applying for F2025, please apply to UCI to the PhD programs I am affiliated with (i.e., Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Networked Systems, Computer Science), and indicate in your application that you are interested in working with me.
- If you are a graduate or undergraduate student already at UCI, at any program (including but not limited to EECS, CS, NetSys), please come to my office hours.
Selected Press
- Our paper “DiffAudit: Auditing Privacy Practices of Online Services for Children and Adolescents,” receives the Best Student Paper Award in ACM IMC 2024.
- ProperData’s First HighSchool Outreach Summer Program on “Privacy, IoT, and AI”.
- Our paper on “Tracking, Profiling, and Ad Targeting in the Alexa Echo Smart Speaker Ecosystem” received the best paper award in IMC 2023, and the 2024 Caspar Bowden PET Runner-Up Award [more info]
- Interview in Women in Communications by IEEE ComSoc WiCE, Sept. 2023.
- Profile in 2021-22 Dean’s Report — Difference Makers.